City Hall Monitor gives you access to a plethora of documents. We've grouped the different documents to help you find what you need.
People and organizations getting refunds from the government. A lot of condominium claims, sewer and refuse refunds. Also, some payments from the city to firefighters and policemen.
These documents pertain to changes to city-owned properties and zoning. Examples are the sale of city-owned properties and zoning map updates.
Fee waivers, cancellation of fees, free permits for various groups (mostly non-profits and religious organizations). Also includes amendments to the municipal code on laws related to exemptions.
Documents that stood out to us for their subject matter. Interesting Documents is a secondary/complementary category.
Amendments to the municipal code about liquor licenses and package goods licenses.
Various types of parking permits (handicapped, residential, industrial). Includes amendments to the municipal code on laws related to parking.
Includes tag day permits — essentially fundraising permits for charitable organizations — as well as special events licenses and permits.
Documents related to City Hall proceedings. Includes amendments to the City Council Journal, oaths of office for officials, etc.
Documents granting organizations the right to use public land or property. I.e., allowing Corner Bakery Cafe to set up sidewalk cafes or have awnings.
Congratulations, gratitude, recognition and more extended to individuals and groups. If you check "hide the boring stuff," most, if not all, of these documents will be hidden from your search.
Defines a designated area to receive service, as well as establishes a budget for the service area. Includes agreements with outside organizations to manage the area.
Includes documents related to property taxes, tax increment financing (TIF) and tax incentives.
Documents establishing tow zones, buffer zones (for parking), traffic signs and signals, vehicle weight limits, traffic direction of a street, parking prohibited, etc.